《文件:4022天的饲育》是韩国的一部电视剧,主要讲述了关于一对夫妇与他们的宠物狗之间温馨而感人的故事。李钟赫扮演的角色是主人公,一位工作忙碌但内心温柔的丈夫,他与妻子一同照料着他们的小狗。江星饰演妻子,一个细心且充满爱心的人,她对小狗的照《文件:4022天的饲育》是韩国的一部电视剧,主要讲述了关于一对夫妇与他们的宠物狗之间温馨而感人的故事。李钟赫扮演的角色是主人公,一位工作忙碌但内心温柔的丈夫,他与妻子一同照料着他们的小狗。江星饰演妻子,一个细心且充满爱心的人,她对小狗的照顾细致入微。河延珠则是作为小狗的形象出现在剧中,以她的忠诚和天真无邪,为这个家庭带来了欢乐与温暖。豆瓣内容: Soo-kyung is a news reporter with a troubled past. Back then when she was a teenager, she and her best friend Min-soo wanted to go to a park, but there Min-soo disappeared without a trace. Soo-kyung felt responsible and decided to become a journalist, to investigate the case on her own. But until now she has found no sign of her friend. One day, she gets a call from her childhood-friend Min-gook who insists that he saw Min-soo. Soo-kyung doesn't believe him at first, but finally she is able to meet Min-soo again. Min-soo in return confirms her identity and also recognizes Soo-kyung, but she behaves totally different. Soo-kyung feels that something is still terribly wrong and everything points to Min-soo's boyfriend Dong-min.李钟赫的台词:“虽然工作很忙,但我永远不会忘记回家后与你一起散步的时光。”江星的台词:“你的笑容就是我们家的阳光,无论多累,看到你我就觉得一切都值得了。”河延珠(作为小狗)的台词:“汪汪汪!”,简单却充满了对主人的爱与期待。在这个充满爱与陪伴的故事里,人与宠物之间的深厚情感成为了连接家庭成员的重要纽带,共同度过了4022天的美好时光。详情
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